Don’t Let Mold Put Your Health at Risk | Mold Removal | Ft. Lauderdale, FL

If you are a homeowner in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, it is important to be prepared to deal with a mold infestation, especially during the forthcoming hurricane season. The Atlantic hurricane season, starting from June to November and peaking at mid-August to late October, poses not only physical risks to your property but also provides an ideal environment for toxic mold growth. The growth of mold might be invisible to the eye but it causes debilitating health effects including:

    • Allergy attacks,
    • Respiratory problems, and
    • Itchy skin and eyes, among other problems.

The high precipitation during this season allows mold growth on wooden surfaces and fabrics. That is where the services of a Florida restoration company in Ft. Lauderdale comes in handy. These professionals have the prerequisite tools and expertise to help you deal with the mold in your house -comprehensively. Some of the services they offer include:

Mold Inspection 

An established mold inspection company in the area will come to your home and carry out a thorough inspection to identify any signs of a mold infestation. Some of the warning signs include:

  • A musty odor from your basement, and
  • An increase in respiratory problems in your family, among other issues.

These experts have the tools to identify an infestation and to mark out the areas that are affected.

Mold Removal 

The company starts the removal process. It includes removing all the affected items and prying out all the infected wooden surfaces. They use eco-friendly chemicals to treat the affected areas and items. This is to ensure that no further mold growth occurs.

Mold Remediation 

The mold removal company also treats the underlying problem of water entry to prevent future mold infestation.  They use the latest waterproofing technologies to guarantee no leaks occur and thus protecting against further mold growth.

Comprehensive mold growth prevention and remediation protect your family and save you the high cost of medical treatment. Our team at National Restoration Experts offers a complete mold removal package using the latest technologies. Get in touch today and protect yourself this upcoming hurricane season in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Contact us now or call us at 800-556-3472 for more information.

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