In order for mold to grow, it needs a hot and humid environment. This makes spring the most likely time of the year for mold to present itself in your home. The most common places for mold to grow are in your:
- Bathroom,
- Kitchen, and
- Basement
So, it is important to set up proper ventilation in these areas.
Mold can grow on almost any surface, including wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, carpet, and insulation. If you detect a moldy or a strong musty odor in your home, you should contact a professional mold remediation company. Some molds, however, including some of the most dangerous types of mold, have no odor. So, it is important for you to know what mold looks like so that you can provide your family with a safe environment.
Here are some of the most common places for mold to grow in Boca Raton, FL, homes:
- Finished Basements
Basements and cellars that have been flooded can be prone to mold.
- Refrigerators
On the inside as well as behind a refrigerator. If you have water coming into your refrigerator for an ice dispenser, you can also have mold in your home.
- Pets
Pet pee is a very common place for mold growth. The reason why this is a problem is that pets pick a ‘favorite’ spot and continue to go to this spot to relieve themselves. Adding to this issue is the fact that it’s usually behind a couch or chair, so you often don’t pick up on the mold until it becomes a problem.
- Showers
A bathroom or shower that does not have adequate ventilation can be the ideal growing spot for mold. The steam from hot baths and showers can attract mold, especially in between shower tiles.
- Sink and Toilet
The humid nature of bathrooms, combined with the presence of water, makes the sink and toilet a prime place for mold to grow.
You can distinguish whether you have a mold problem by looking for black or white specks or circles on your walls. Mold can also be hidden behind surfaces. So, it is important to look for mold behind cabinets, refrigerators and other materials or items.
National Restoration Experts is a mold remediation company in Boca Raton, FL. Contact us for more information today.