How to Help Minimize Fire Damage to Your Home

While natural disasters are a risk to virtually everyone on the planet, few people stop to think about how fire damage in Wellington, FL, or any other place in the world, could affect their household, property, and family members. A fire can wreak havoc on your belongings and your life, but how many people know what to do if their home catches fire?

Studies show that you only have about two minutes to escape your home if it has caught fire. By preparing yourself, your home, and your family members, you can take preventative steps to safely escape in two minutes or less. Here are a few prevention and response tips to take if your home catches fire:

  • Identify and remove fire hazards in your home. Anything that gets hot should be moved away from a flammable item. A good rule of thumb is to keep elements that get hot at least three feet away from anything else that could catch fire.
  • Turn off heaters when they are not in use.
  • Do not leave candles lit when unattended.
  • Do not smoke in bed.
  • Make sure your children know that they should not play with matches, lighters or anything that can make a flame.
  • Install smoke detectors on every level in your home.
  • Test your smoke detectors once a month to make sure the batteries are working.
  • If your smoke alarm is more than ten years old, it is time to invest in new ones.
  • Discuss your outside meeting spot and fire escape plan with family members.
  • Make sure everyone can get out of your home safely in less than two minutes.

By taking these precautionary steps, you will be off to a great start. If, however, a fire does break out, you will need professionals to help you with the restoration of your home as fire damage affects the safety of the building and its occupants. There is always some amount of damage to the building’s structure. And, keep in mind that the indoor air quality has been compromised. A professional restoration service reduces the risk of future structural issues as well as smoke and mold-related health problems. Contact National Restoration Experts for fire damage restoration services in Wellington, Florida.

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