The Top 50 Questions on Mold

How to Get Rid of Mold 

Bleach is a good mold killer. You can make a solution of chlorine bleach and water (usually one part of bleach to three parts of water) or get hold of a household detergent with bleach as an active ingredient. Using a stiff-bristled brush, scrub the blackened area. Rinse thoroughly and dry. For more porous materials such as wood, use a vinegar solution or a store bought mold remover

How to Get Rid of Black Mold

Ammonia, vinegar, and bleach are all good mold killing agents. With bleach and ammonia, mix 3 parts of water to one part of bleach/ammonia. Vinegar can be applied directly. NEVER MIX bleach, ammonia, and/or vinegar together as the results are toxic fumes. Always wear protective equipment. Take care onto what surface you are applying this mixture as it will discolor dye and fabric.  For more porous materials such as wood, use a vinegar solution or a store bought mold remover

How to Kill Mold 

The best method for killing mold is to nip it before it becomes too hard to manage. Tiny black spots on the surface of flooring, walls or tiles are the first signs of mold. Clean this type of mold with a scrub brush and a common household mildew spray.

If the infestation is large, then special precautions will be necessary. Be sure to protect yourself by wearing gloves, a facemask, and eye protection. If the mold has infested an area that lies beneath a carpet, begin by removing and discarding the carpet. Clean up the area using a wet-dry vacuum and then treat it with a biocide and a disinfectant. Make any necessary repairs to the once-infected area and then allow it to dry completely. You may want to speed up the process by using a fan.

If you are not comfortable with harsh chemicals and the infestation is small, why not consider a natural mold and mildew killer. Many people have had success by filling a spray bottle with tea tree oil or vinegar and spraying the area.

Does Bleach Kill Mold?

Bleach not only kills bacteria and viruses, it sanitizes the surfaces it is used on. Bleach also kills mold if it comes into contact with it, and the spores and allergens from mold are neutralized as well.

Bleach will kill the mold growing on non-porous surfaces like glass, tiles, bathtubs, and countertops. However, bleach cannot completely kill mold growing in porous materials like drywall and wood. Bleach does not penetrate these porous substances, and consequently, only the mold growing above the surface is killed.

Does Vinegar Kill Mold?

Vinegar is a mild acid which can kill up to 82% of mold species. Use white distilled vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle without watering it down. Spray the vinegar onto the mold-infected surface and leave it to sit for an hour. Finally, wipe the area clean with water and allow the surface to dry.

How to Kill Black Mold

One can use bleach, ammonia or vinegar to kill the black mold.

What Is Mold?

Mold is a term used to refer to fungi that grow in the form of multicellular thread-like structures called hyphae. It is found in damp building materials where it often appears like stains and comes in a variety of colors.

How to Test for Mold

It is best to have a mold testing performed for you by a qualified mold professional. Hiring a professional mold tester who is experienced in collecting and analyzing mold samples will always give the most accurate results.

What Does Black Mold Look Like?
Black mold will often appear as slimy spots, and features a dark greenish-black (sometimes gray) coloration to it.  Sometimes there is a whitish coloring around the edges of the black patches.

How to Clean Mold

The best way to clean mold is to kill it. Vinegar, ammonia, and bleach all make for effective mold killing agents.

What Happens If You Eat Mold?

It is nearly impossible for the average person to distinguish between a harmful and a safe mold. Many types of mold are benign and have little to no effect, while others can be extremely dangerous with long-term exposure. The most common symptoms of mold ingestion include diarrhea, vomiting, and an upset stomach. The symptoms of mold ingestion are relatively minor and will go away on their own without any intervention. If you are concerned, taking absorbing activating coal or absorbing salts can help bind the bacterial toxins in the mold. If symptoms persist for more than 72 hours, rather consult a physician as a precaution. However, for peace of mind, realize that although eating mold spores may not be the healthiest choice, it is highly unlikely to cause any serious damage.

What Does Mold Smell Like?

Mold produces gasses. While many of these gasses are odorless, some do have a musty odor – the smell typically associated with mold. If you notice a musty odor in your home, you probably have mold growing there, even if you don’t see any mold. Mold often grows in hidden places, like inside walls, under carpets, and inside heating and ventilation ducts.

How to Remove Mold 

Ammonia, vinegar, and bleach are all good mold killing agents. With bleach and ammonia, mix three parts of water to one part of bleach/ammonia. Vinegar can be applied directly. NEVER MIX bleach, ammonia and/or vinegar together as the results are toxic fumes. Apply the solution to the affected area, let it sit, then wipe away.

How to Clean Black Mold 

It is important to remove the source of any moisture from the affected area. If any leaks or persistent condensation aren’t alleviated, the mold will most likely reappear after removal. Use commercial black mold removal products to disinfect the moldy areas. Don’t forget about the adjacent areas. These black mold removal products can usually be found in most hardware or home repair stores. If you use bleach, make sure it won’t discolor the material or surface.

How to Remove Black Mold

Take a stiff brush and clean the area with a mild soap and water solution. Throw away all porous items or materials exposed to the mold. Apply a disinfectant (bleach, ammonia, vinegar or a commercial mold removal product) to the area. Don’t forget to spray the surrounding area to kill the mold spores you can’t see.

What Kills Mold? 

According to conventional wisdom, bleach kills the growth of mold. While this remains true, if you have a recurrence of mold growth this could be due to the porous nature of the material in which the mold is growing. If this is the case, vinegar, Lysol or store-bough mold cleaners will be able to better penetrate the material and kill the mold roots.

How to Remove Mold from Wood

When working with wood, you should be aware that bleach can only kill the mold spores that are on the surface of the wood. Mold in wood, however, tends to grow and establish roots below the surface and into the wood fibers.  Due to the chemical makeup of bleach, it does not absorb into the wood.  It is therefore possible that you will see the mold re-establish itself even after you have cleaned it with bleach. To address this problem, several companies have produced mold removal products that include surfactants.

What Is Black Mold?

Black Mold or Stachybotrys Atra (also known as Stachybotrys Chartarum) is a species that is toxic and that you may have heard about most often. It can be dangerous. It may even threaten the health and welfare of your pets, as well as anyone else, who comes into contact with the mycotoxins that several of these species produce.

How to Kill Mold on Wood

When working with wood, you should be aware that bleach can only kill the mold spores that are on the surface of the wood. Mold in wood, however, tends to grow and establish roots below the surface and into the wood fibers.  Due to the chemical makeup of bleach, it does not absorb into the wood. And it is therefore possible that you will see the mold re-establish itself after you have cleaned it with bleach. To address this problem, several companies have produced mold removal products that include surfactants.

How to Get Mold Out of Clothes

Mix one cup of white vinegar in a bucket of water, and pre-soak the clothing for at least an hour. Then launder in your washing machine at the hottest temperature possible with your regular Persil detergent. Alternatively, you can add 250 ml of vinegar directly to your washing machine per cycle and wash as normal.

What Does Mold Look Like?

When you think of mold, you may envision the dull greenish-gray color that appears on bread, vegetables, and other food items. In reality, toxic mold and other varieties come in a wide range of colors.

How to Identify Black Mold

Black mold is one of the most common types of mold found growing in homes across America. It is a type of mold that causes some of the most severe health problems. As its name suggests, it is typically black. Sometimes there is a whitish coloring around the edges of a patch of black mold, however. It often looks slimy.

How Does Mold Grow?

Mold reproduce by means of tiny spores. The spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through the air. Mold may begin growing indoors when spores land on moist surfaces. There are many types of mold, but all require moisture to grow.

How to Get Rid of Mold in The House?

Take a stiff brush and clean the area with a mild soap and water blend. Throw away all porous items or materials exposed to the mold. Apply a disinfectant (bleach, ammonia, vinegar or a commercial mold removal product) to the area. Don’t forget to spray the surrounding area to kill the mold spores you can’t see.

How to Test for Black Mold

It is best to have a mold testing performed for you by a qualified mold professional. Hiring a professional mold tester who is experienced in collecting and analyzing mold samples, will always lead to the most accurate results.

Does Lysol Kill Mold?

Lysol makes a mold and mildew remover that contains bleach. This solution will kill both mold and mildew upon contact. 

How to Get Rid of Mold in A Basement

Take a stiff brush and clean the area with mild soap and water. Throw away all porous items or materials exposed to the mold. Apply a disinfectant (bleach, ammonia, vinegar or a commercial mold removal product) to the area. Don’t forget to spray the surrounding area to kill the mold spores you can’t see.

How to Get Rid of Mold on Wood

When working with wood, you should be aware that bleach can only kill the mold spores that are on the surface of the wood. Mold in wood, however, tends to grow and establish roots below the surface and into the wood fibers.  Due to the chemical makeup of bleach, it is not absorbed into the wood. Therefore, it is possible that you will see the mold re-establish itself after you have cleaned it with bleach. To address this problem, several companies have produced mold removal products that include surfactants.

How to Get Rid of Mold on Walls

Take a stiff brush and clean the area with a mild soap and water solution. Mix a solution of water and bleach or water and vinegar. Apply this solution to the affected area and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Scrub thoroughly with stiff brush and ensure proper ventilation in your house.

How to Remove Mold from Walls

Take a stiff brush and clean the area with mild soap and water. Throw away all porous items or materials that were exposed to the mold. Apply a disinfectant (bleach, ammonia, vinegar or a commercial mold removal product) to the area. Don’t forget to spray the surrounding area to kill the mold spores you can’t see.

How to Detox Your Body from Mold

Activated charcoal can cleanse mold when taken as a supplement. Garlic has strong anti-fungal properties which can do wonders for your body when it has been exposed to black mold. Fungi in the body require the presence of sugar for survival. Cutting sugar out of your diet or cutting back on sugar can help your body get rid of any of the black mold symptoms.

What Kills Black Mold

One can use bleach, ammonia or vinegar to kill black mold.

How to Clean Mold Off Walls

Take a stiff brush and clean the area with mild soap and water. Throw away all porous items or materials that were exposed to the mold. Apply a disinfectant (bleach, ammonia, vinegar or a commercial mold removal product) to the area. Don’t forget to spray the surrounding area to kill the mold spores you can’t see.

How to Get Rid of a Moldy Smell

Air out closets, closed rooms, and cabins. Mold and mildew love cool, damp, and dark areas. Reduce moisture in the air by setting-up a fan, using a dehumidifier or opening a window. Ideally, the humidity in your house should be kept below 40%.

How to Get Mold Out of a Carpet

Using Lysol and water in the carpet cleaning machine or bleach and water should kill the mold. Make sure you don’t mix the two. Use about one cup of Lysol or bleach to the bucket of water. Spray the carpet with the solution and let it set for 15 to 20 minutes and then vacuum to remove all the dirt and mold.

How to Detect Mold

It is best to have a mold test performed for you by a qualified mold professional. Hiring a professional mold tester who is experienced in collecting and analyzing mold samples will always lead to the most accurate results.

How Dangerous Is Black Mold?

Molds that produce mycotoxins, like black mold, are considered very hazardous. The mold itself is not toxic, but the mycotoxin by-products of the mold growth can cause, among other effects, respiratory problems.

How to Remove Mold from A Shower

Take a stiff brush and clean the area thoroughly with a solution of mild soap and water. Throw away all porous items or materials exposed to the mold. Apply a disinfectant (bleach, ammonia, vinegar or a commercial mold removal product) to the area. Don’t forget to spray the surrounding area to kill the mold spores you can’t see.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Mold

Both distilled white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide will do an effective job of killing mold spores in porous materials.

What Can Mold Do to You if You Breathe It In?

Breathing in mold can cause nasal stuffiness, throat irritation, coughing or wheezing, eye irritation, or, in some cases, skin irritation.

What Causes Mold?

Mold reproduces by means of tiny spores. The spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through the air. Mold may begin growing indoors when spores land on moist surfaces. There are many types of mold, however, all molds require moisture for them to grow.

How to Clean Mold from Wood

When working with wood, you should be aware that bleach can only kill the mold spores that are on the surface of the wood. Mold in wood, however, tends to grow and establish roots below the surface and into the wood fibers.  Due to the chemical makeup of bleach, it does not absorb into the wood, and it is possible that you will see the mold re-establish itself after you have cleaned it with bleach. To address this problem, several companies have produced mold removal products that include surfactants.

What Is the Difference Between Mold and Mildew?

Mildew is a surface fungus that can easily be identified as a patch of gray (or even white) fungus that is lying on the surface of a moist area. Mildew is easily treated with a store-bought cleaner and a scrubbing brush. Mold, on the other hand, can be black or green and is often the result of a much larger infestation.

What Happens When You Eat Mold?

Many types of mold are benign and have little to no effect, while others can be extremely dangerous with long-term exposure. The most common symptoms of mold ingestion include diarrhea, vomiting, and an upset stomach. The symptoms of mold ingestion are relatively minor and will go away on their own without any intervention.

How to Remove Mold from A Drywall

Spray a small amount of the solution onto the mold. Do not drench the area, since additional moisture can actually increase the mold problem, rather than getting rid of it. Scrub the area with an old toothbrush. A dish sponge with an abrasive side can also work. Scrub the area until you no longer see any discoloration or visible mold. Dry the area out.

How to Test for Mold in A House

It’s best to have a mold testing performed for you by a qualified mold professional. Hiring a professional mold tester who is experienced in collecting and analyzing mold samples will always lead to the most accurate results.

Does Bleach Kill Black Mold?

One can use bleach, ammonia or vinegar to kill black mold.

Can Mold Make You Sick?

Breathing in molds can cause nasal stuffiness, throat irritation, coughing or wheezing, eye irritation, or, in some cases, skin irritation.

How to Get Mold Out of a Fabric

Mix one cup of white vinegar in a bucket of water, and pre-soak the fabric for at least an hour. Then launder in your washing machine at the hottest temperature possible with your regular Persil detergent. Alternatively, you can directly add 250 ml of vinegar to your washing machine per cycle and wash as normal.


National Restoration Experts is a highly reputable mold cleaning company in South Florida. We will bill your insurance company directly for the services we provide. Contact us now or call us at 1-800-556-3472.

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